About Us

Our Mission
To obey the command of Jesus in Matthew 28:19: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Our Vision
Committed to Sharing the Gospel and the Love of Jesus. Bible Faith Lutheran Church is dedicated to sharing the central truth of the Gospel, bringing the Word of God to all in the language of the people, planting new congregations and supporting existing ones.
Our Core Beliefs

The Bible is inspired verbally and inerrant in all aspects and final in all matters.

We uphold Christ-centered messages of preaching salvation by grace alone through faith alone.

We uphold all Lutheran Confessions as proper exposition of God’s Word and subscribe to all three universal creeds: Apostle, Nicene and Athanesian.

Is based on God’s desire and command in Matthew 28:19 to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Theological Education
All Theological education is based upon scripture. Christian Literature: We share Christian literature for equipping the saints.

God is healing the sick even now as in the earthly days of Jesus and apostles when we ask him in faith. Healing is done not according to our will but according to his gracious purpose.

A Legacy of Faith and Service
About Bible Faith Lutheran Church of India
Bible Faith Lutheran Church of India is an independent, confessional Lutheran church with headquarters located in southeast India in the city of Guntur in the state of Andhra Pradesh, about 40 miles from the Bay of Bengal.
Bible Faith Lutheran Church of India was founded by the late Rev. Bhushana Rao Dasari in 1978 and incorporated in 1980. The ministry was to bring the gospel to the rural villages of Andhra Pradesh, providing the Word of God to the farmers of the area and establishing churches in villages where there were no other churches. The work involved predominately church planting, social and educational programs to help the socio-economically disadvantaged people. Ten island churches had been established by 1980.

Moriah Children’s Home and School
Improving the lives and education of the Moriah Children
The Moriah Children’s Home, was established by Mrs. Deva Karuna Dasari In 1984. The home accommodated a range of 50-100 children, most of whom had one or no parents, providing a safe, stable, and loving environment. Without the home, these children would not have had access to educational opportunities or the stability of a loving home. Moriah Children’s home has provided a home including food, medical care, education & scriptural instruction for hundreds of children and a loving Christian environment.
The late Mrs. Deva Karuna Dasari founded the Moriah School in 1999 under the Bible Faith Lutheran Church of India. It is a government accredited private school created to increase opportunities for children from economically-disadvantaged families to obtain a quality education from preschool through 10th grade. Many of the students were the first to gain an education in their families. With approximately 25 children per grade, the school focused on early childhood intervention through nutrition, enrichment, and environment.
Many of the children have become doctors, lawyers, government workers and business entrepreneurs in India and abroad.
BFLC Seminary

Leadership Change
India Bible Study
In 2018 the India Bible Study (IBS) was established. The IBS mission is to translate the Lutheran Study Bible into the 15 Indian languages to create an India Study Bible. This Bible provides study notes, maps and topical aids that help people in villages without many theological resources. The Telegu translation is soon to be published and the Tamil translation scheduled for completion within about a year.